Submissions are closed




The 10+1 Santorini Conference delegates are cordially invited to submit abstracts of their scientific work for presentation as a free communication. An unlimited number of abstracts may be submitted once the presenting author applies for “full registration”.
Abstracts are welcome in all fields of omics, genomics, pharmacogenomics, omics laboratory medicine, and personalised medicine in the broader sense. Free communications are primarily presented via poster. A limited number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation. Authors wishing to compete for these oral communication slots should mark the appropriate field on the on-line abstract-submission form.

General requirements

The text must be clear, concise, and written in proper English. Abstracts must absolutely contain results. Statements such as “results will be discussed” are not acceptable and will be returned.

Deadline for receipt
Abstracts should be submitted by 15th January 2024 at the latest, 18:30 CET.
Confirmation of receipt
Receipt of the abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail immediately after submission.
Notification of acceptance or rejection
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection as soon as a decision will be made by the committee.
The presenting author of each abstract must register for the congress with “Full Registration”.


Abstracts preparation :

  • Abstract must contain no more than 2300 characters, spaces included (title, author names and affiliations are excluded), using letters of 11 characters per inch (calibri). Please use MS Word for Windows version 6.0 or above and type the text single spaced, justified, with no paragraphs or indentations. The system will automatically notify you if the abstract exceeds this number of characters. Do not use tables, diagrams, graphics or figures in the abstract. Title, author(s) and affiliation(s) must be added separately at the appropriate step.
  • Headings in abstract: In order to make the abstract as informative as possible, please include the following headings: background, objective, design, results, conclusions and acknowledgements.
  • : When abbreviations are used, spell out the full word at first mention in the text followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter, use the abbreviation throughout the text.
  • The abstract must not contain references.
  • The abstract title should be brief, specific, and should not contain abbreviations. Use bold font and 12 characters per inch (calibri); single spacing. The initial letter should be capital, the rest lower case.
  • Author names: One-line space between title and authors. Use letters of 11 characters per inch (calibri), single spacing. Authors name should start with their entire first names followed by their family name. Authors’ names must be in plain font and separated with coma. Please put in bold and underline the presenting author.
  •  No line space between authors and addresses; Use letters of 11 characters per inch (calibri), single spacing. Department, institution, city and country of all authors should be mentioned (no country abbreviation before ZIP code). If there is more than one affiliation, please add superscript numbers to each author name and precede each affiliation with the corresponding superscript number.


You should also download a full Word version of your abstract with the title, authors’ names and affiliations following the below recommendations:

Title: calibri 12 in bold; authors (in full first names): presenter in bold underlined, calibri 11; affiliations: calibri 11. One line space between title and authors; no line space between authors and addresses; one line space between addresses and text; single spacing.

Text must contain no more than 2300 characters, spaces included (excluding title, author’s names and affiliations), using letters of 11 characters per inch (calibri); single spacing. As previously, abstract should not contain tables, diagrams, graphics or figures, abbreviations, and references.


Please note that abstracts, which are not in accordance with above instructions will be returned.


